Piers' Story
Piers- Leader of The David House
I was born into a Christian family and went to church from day one. By the time I was 13 I felt what I saw and heard on Sunday had no relevance to my life. There was lots of talking and I was more interested in doing. The problem was the things I was doing made a greater and greater mess of my life.
At 18 I was a high school dropout with no qualifications who was trying to hide from what the reality my life had become. Realising that I was getting nowhere my way, I stood in a carpark in Norway and told God, “If you are who you say you are I will follow you.”
From that day to this I’ve not stopped seeking after God and He has not stopped proving His faithfulness. I ended up back in school, got myself a theology degree, and was called to pursue ministry with The David House. I still love to ask the difficult questions. How does all this fit together? How do I make sense of the Bible, and how can my life reflect its teachings? I want to see and experience a relationship with God that the Bible describes for those who follow Him. Nothing more, nothing less.
“How does all this fit together? How do I make sense of the Bible, and how can my life reflect its teachings? I want to see and experience a relationship with God that the Bible describes for those who follow Him. Nothing more, nothing less.”
The David House Story
The David House started in Biblical fashion with God calling someone who was not the obvious choice. Ken Price was born in Cardiff in 1925 and started work at 13 in a foundry on Cardiff docks milling solid steel for engines. Ken was definitely made of tough stuff and aged 16 with a weekend spare he cycled to London to see his sister on his single gear bike. 300 miles there and back, sleeping in a hedge on the way when it got too dark to see the road!
I met Ken much later in his life and I will always remember him for how he prayed. He had such a close connection with God that as he prayed he would weep, as he was moved by the heart of God. Despite his humble beginnings and lack of formal education his deep passion for God and love of the Scriptures lead him to teach God’s word up and down the UK and in various countries around the world.
God called Ken to a life of absolute dependance on him and Ken’s trust was absolute. His mortgage came about by writing a letter to the mortgage provider stating he had no fixed income but God had always provided all his needs and he trusted Him for this mortgage as well. His mortgage was approved and he brought up his two girls in that house and lived there till the end of his life.
Before he died he laid hands on me and prayed for his mantle to pass like Elijah did to Elisha in the book of Kings. Ken lived for God and that meant his life left an indelible impression on those around him and none more than mine. I often think of Ken and am challenged and inspired by the life he lived.